10 benefits of outsourcing your marketing

Outsourcing marketing is more common than you might think. Recent research has shown that more than 42% of UK businesses don’t handle their marketing in-house.
Why you should stop patronising readers if you want them to become customers

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before; ‘In today’s rapidly changing business world, IT leaders are under greater pressure than ever to deliver more reliable, agile, secure and mobile services to their users whilst having less time, fewer resources and smaller budgets…’
The rise and rise of TL;DR marketing

I don’t get it. Your products save customers millions and make user experiences so much better, yet your opening online messaging fails to articulate a clear, concise or even compelling reason why anyone should buy what it is you’re offering. So why do you think they’ll read on?
USP? Do your colleagues even know what one is?

They are worth their weight in gold, yet it’s surprising just how many people don’t know the difference between a specialised business skill or capability and a unique selling point (USP). Ask any of your co-workers what they believe the company’s USPs are, and I bet they will trot out a list of random things that the business may do well, but in truth are very far from unique.
We’re open..!

After decades of supporting and building other brands in-house, it’s great to say that we’ve finally set up our very own business to help B2B organisations improve their brand, value, and differentiation.